Pima County Young Republicans
February 9, 2009
o The VA Hospital service project is tabled until the club hears from Hannah.
o Justin spoke about helping out district chairs. Our focus for the next month will be LD 26. Patti Comerford is running and needs help for the upcoming election (3/10).
o Mike discussed his visit with the College Republicans.
o Justin spoke about future fundraising projects.
First, the club would like to sponsor a First Friday event. We would borrow $500 (for the sponsorship) from the county party and pay them back with money earned at the event. We would want to focus on “Why conservatism is cool”—in so many words. Members think September will be a good month to sponsor this even.
Second, the club would like to host our own “Vegas Night.” Members think October would be a good time to promote the young face of conservatism—right before November. Members were asked to think about venues other than the Manning House. Christopher volunteered to DJ the event.
o The group also discussed having a “fun” activity in March. Mike is looking into going to a shooting range. Other ideas were bowling or wall climbing.
o Next, the group discussed subcommittees and asked members to consider serving on the following:
o Treasurer’s Report: $162.43
Guest Speaker
Bruce Ash—RNC Committeeman for the State of AZ
Additional Business
Our next meeting will be Monday, 3/9/09 at 7:00 p.m. at El Parado Restaurant—Broadway & Country Club
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