
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Chairman's Notes-February 06, 2014

       One week ago today, I was elected the new Chairman of the Pima County Young Republican Club. Since then I have been thinking of ways in which we can grow the clubs membership, support the county party, and work to spread Republican ideals and principals so that Pima County will have a brighter future. As part of this process I have been actively seeking the counsel and input of the clubs executive board and others who have an interest in the future of our party. The following are some initiatives that have come out of those conversations.
       Social media outreach is important to the future of the party. Therefore, I am happy to announce that the Pima County Young Republican Club is now on Twitter! Follow us on Twitter @PimaYRs and like us on Facebook as well ( Over the coming year, I hope to grow our presence online by rebuilding our website, weekly blog posts, an email newsletter, and possibly creating a YouTube channel. Stay tuned for updates on these efforts.
       I realize, however, that no matter how good our website is or how many videos we make it is all for naught if we are not reaching out to our fellow Republicans. The Republican Party is a big tent party. We are made up of many groups with differing philosophies. All too often we choose to focus on what separates us rather than on what unites us. This causes conflict within the party that only benefits the Democrats. Over the coming months I hope to meet with various groups to see how we can work together on the issues that we agree on while respecting each others positions on the issues that we do not agree on. One of the principals that have helped to make this country great is that of E Pluribus Unum...Out of many, one. That one is not monolithic uniformity but rather it is monolithic like the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is made up of many panels, each one different. Separately each panel is a perfectly acceptable sheet of copper with its own unique design but, only when those sheets of copper are combined with the edges that they hold in common do you get Lady Liberty.
       Lastly, I would like to announce that this months meeting will be held on the 27th at Denny's on Speedway (3655 E. Speedway Blvd.). We will have a social time beginning at 6:30pm with the meeting itself starting at 7:10pm. This months speaker will be Damien Kennedy who is running in the Republican primary for the 3rd Congressional District. Learn more about him on his webpage  or like him on Facebook Thank you for your time and I look forward to working with you this year.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good. It looks like I'll have to check out that new Twitter account.
