
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tucson Sidewinders & new meeting date!

Hey everybody!I'm excited to announce a fun change of plans for the club. The Pima County YRs will be moving our official monthly meeting back a week in order to go to next Monday's Tucson Sidewinders game! The May 12 game starts at 6:30 pm. Please feel free to invite out your family as well & we can make it a club & family night!

We're seeing what we can do about getting free tickets for the club. Either way, if we are unable to get free tickets, tickets at the gate are really quite inexpensive. I'll send out another email to let everybody know about the tickets. This is the last year that we'll have the Sidewinders here in town & we should all take advantage of as many games as we can while we can. For more information about game times and promotions go to:

With the addition of next Monday's Sidewinder game to our club schedule, we will be moving our regularly scheduled meeting to the following Monday, May 19 @ Shogun Sushi. I will get details to the club about our May 19th meeting ASAP. If you have any questions about the meeting or the Sidewinders' game please feel free to call me at 520-444-6280.

Thanks for your support & understanding with these changes & I hope to see you all out at the game & our next meeting.


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