
Friday, October 31, 2008

Pima YRs Endorses Arizona Ballot Propositions

The Pima County Young Republican Club has voted to endorse a number of ballot propositions & oppose a few others.

The following will be the list of endorsements. These endorsements in no way state that members of the club must vote one way or another & there were a couple endorsement votes that were not unanimous. I will note those as well in the comments section.

Proposition 100 – Yes: Unanimously supported by members who voted.

This proposition has the purpose of prohibiting new taxes on the sale or transfer of property.

Proposition 101 – Yes: Unanimously supported by members who voted.

This proposition makes it so that Arizona residents will never be forced to join any government health care plan.

Proposition 102 – Yes: Unanimously supported by members who voted.

To place language in the Arizona Constitution making marriage between one man & one woman the only legal marriages recognized in Arizona.

Proposition 105 – No:

Would require that in order to be funded ballot propositions must receive votes from a majority of registered voters. This might cause a burden so high that no initiative could even pass with 100% of the vote if only 49.9% of the people showed up to vote.

Proposition 200 – No:

This ballot proposition related to reforming the payday loan industry & continuing the charter of payday loan businesses which will run out in 2010. Many of our members thought that an issue as complicated as this should be left for the legislature to decide.

Proposition 201 – No:

Many of our members voiced opinions that this was a terrible idea that would lead to many frivolous lawsuits & could make it harder to buy homes & less likely for builders to see a benefit in building homes.

Proposition 202 – No: Unanimously opposed by members who voted.

This is an attempt by businesses that depend on illegal labor to weaken the employer sanctions laws passed by the State Legislature relating to the hiring of illegal aliens.

Proposition 300 – Yes: Unanimously supported by members who voted.

This relates to raising salaries of State Legislators from $24,000/year to $30,000. Our legislators get paid below the poverty line.

Or shorthand:

Prop 100: YES
Prop 101: YES
Prop 102: YES
Prop 105: NO
Prop 200: NO
Prop 201: NO
Prop 202: NO
Prop 300: YES

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Senator Government: The Great Redistributor

Newly found audio has Barack Obama talking back in 2001 about how he wants to redistribute wealth & how he doesn't like the way the Founders set up the Constitution. It begs the question of how Obama expects to "protect & defend the Constitution of the United States" like the Presidential Oath of Office requires when he doesn't even like the Constitution that much.

Obama's continued support of infanticide

One of the most disturbing things about Barack Obama was that when he was in the Illinois State Legislature, he actually voted against a bill requiring that a baby who survived a botched abortion outside of the womb receive immediate emergency medical care.

He thinks that saving live born babies who were intended to be aborted somehow might hurt Roe v. Wade. Senator Government's position on this is disgusting. It is inhumane & repulsive. Here's a couple ads with a young lady who survived an abortion taking Obama to task on the issue.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Biden's crisis comments get mocked on Saturday Night Live

SNL did another hilarious take on the election last night. This time, it was mocking how the moron Joe Biden & the anti-military Jack Murtha have been trying to throw the election of Obama. Enjoy!

A tough interview with the Obama Campaign: I must be dreaming!

Finally! An TV interviewer who actually asks the Obama Campaign the tough questions. This interview with Senator Biden is dead-on. And due to the tough questions asked of Biden, the Obama Campaign has cut off this Florida TV station from future interviews.

Friday, October 24, 2008

New McCain ad attacking inexperience of Obama using Biden's recent words

Using Joe Biden's words from this past Sunday, John McCain's campaign is out with a new hard-hitting ad attacking Senator Gov't for his inexperience & the open invitation that his inexperience brings for enemies of America. John McCain will not invite criseses since John McCain will be ready to lead on Day 1.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I just couldn't resist this one. I found this posted by Erick Erickson @

It's very timely with Haloween, the Election & Senator Gov't's plan to "spread the wealth" if he gets elected & becomes President Government.

It's funny & it's true!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jonathan Paton to Speak @ Pima YRs Meeting Tomorrow Night!

The Pima County Young Republican Club is pleased to announce that Jonathan Paton will be the speaker @ the next meeting of the Pima YRs. Our meeting will be tomorrow, October 23 @ 7 pm @ El Charro Cafe downtown @ 311 N. Church Ave in Tucson. *Please, note this change of location since we will not be gathering @ our normal meeting spot.

Jonathan Paton is currently a member of the Arizona State House of Representatives & Rep. Paton is running to replace State Senator Tim Bee in the representing District 30 in the State Senate.

Rep. Paton became a veteran of the war in Iraq with his service there as an Intelligence Officer in the United States Army Reserves. By volunteering for service in Iraq, Rep. Paton is the only member of the State Legislature (and possibly any State Legislature) to serve in the Iraq War. Rep. Paton will speak about his military service, his service in the State House & his campaign for State Senate @ tomorrow's meeting.

If you will be able to attend tomorrow, please RSVP to Tyler Mott. Thank you. And I hope to see you all tomorrow.

5 possible crisis scenarios under Obama

Here's a video where Governor Sarah Palin lays out a list of 5 possible crisis scenarios that America is likely to face if it elects Senator Gov't to be President of the United States.

As I mentioned before, Joe Biden has guaranteed that electing Obama to be President will invite this unknown international crisis. That's just the kind of thing that we want to hear from a Vice Presidential candidate: "Vote for Us & Get International Crisis Within 6 Months." That should be a bumper sticker if it wasn't so scary.

Once again, Governor Palin hits this one out of the park. We cannot afford to have a President who invites international crisises.

And I've got one more theory. Obama & Biden are afraid that their policies will be so far to the left that the Country would immediately suffer through buyers remorse. So, Biden might have been warning his most liberal Seattle contributors that Obama was going to be forced to "wag the dog" in order to change the subject.

Now mark my words if this happens within 6 months of an Obama Presidency. Of course, I still believe that McCain is going to win because America can't be dumb enough to elect people who's main economic platform is income redistribution, a.k.a. socialism.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Scary Joe tries to scare us into remembering just how inexperienced Senator Government is when it comes to things that are important

Joe Biden, one of the dumbest, most out-of-control running mates ever selected by a Presidential candidate, tried to remind us on Sunday about just how inexperienced Senator Government, a.k.a. Barack Obama is. And Biden did so in a way that should scare that heck out of each of us!

This is what he said at a Seattle fundraiser on Sunday:

"Mark my words, It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47 year-old Senator President of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

"I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate, And he's gonna need help. And the kind of help he's gonna need is, he's gonna need you - not financially to help him - we're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right."

I must admit that I have no idea what Biden was saying about Obama, but it really terrifies me.

Will Obama be ready to be President & lead in that moment when he is most needed or will he just vote "Present?" Or is Biden saying that Obama will have caused such a massive problem only 6 months into his Presidency?

Biden, once again simplifies what this election is about. Can we trust someone who does not have the experience necessary to be the next Commander-In-Chief?

Whatever Biden's promise & guarantee is referring to, are we ready for a President who is already scheming about forcing something down the throats of even his most loyal supporters ?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

John McCain beats "Senator Government" in Final Debate!

In the 3rd & Final Presidential Debate between Senators John McCain & Barack Obama. and John McCain easily defeated Obama who he mistakenly but appropriately referred to as "Senator Government."

It was the 3rd time in as many meetings that McCain beat Obama in debate, and from here on out Obama will always be known as "Senator Government."



John McCain was very effective in pointing out tonght Obama's socialist tendencies to redistribute wealth. Senator Government's plan is to render unto Obama what is yours.

I cannot even recall any Presidential candidate who was so open in their desire for class warfare & their hostility toward people who had worked hard and done well financially due to their hard work.

Senator Government lived up to his name again with a message of massive expansion of the federal government including massive spending & tax increases to pay for his newer, much more intrusive ideas of government. Senator Government admitted that he wants the to redistribute wealth @ that same time that he expands the government to fit his pro-Government agenda. Bigger government has now found a champion in Barack Obama. Senator Government is the new face & standard bearer for big government.

Barack Obama = Government's candidate

Just Say No to Senator Government!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Final Presidential Debate Watching Party Tomorrow Night!

The Pima County Young Republican Club will be hosting a debate watching party tomorrow night for the 3rd & final debate between Senators John McCain & Barack Obama.

It's now or never for Senator McCain who has been down in the polls & tomorrow night's debate is a must-win for the Republican nominee. Senator McCain needs our support.

So, I am opening up my home again for everybody who wants to tomorrow night's debate. With the wonders of DVR, we will start @ 7 which gives everybody an extra hour after work.

What: 3rd & Final Presidential Debate between Senators John McCain & Barack Obama
When: Please arrive between 6:30 pm & 6:45 pm on Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Where: Apartment of Tyler Mott, Chairman of the Pima County Young Republican Club

Sandstone Apts on the north side of Prince between Stone & 1st Ave

405 E Prince Rd #430

Tucson, AZ 85705

* We will be ordering pizza so please bring $5 if you want to help with costs.

*Covered parking is not reserved & is on a 1st come; first served basis.

*Seating is limited, but we will cram everybody in if you can make it.

Monday, October 13, 2008

More Reason to Support Prop. 102!

There are many reasons to support traditional marriage, and this video with Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council shows a few of those reasons. Prop 102 will do just that. This video shows what Massachusetts families have had to face since gay marriage was forced on the citizens of Massachusetts by judicial fiat.

And last week, it was in San Francisco that a school sponsored the field trip of 1st graders to watch their teacher get "married" to her lesbian partner. That was 5 & 6 year-olds being forced to watch the wedding of a lesbian couple for a public school field trip. I wish that I was making up this stuff. But sadly, it is true.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Marilyn Zerrull & Discussion of Ballot Propositions @ Tomorrow's Pima YR Meeting!

The Pima County Young Republican Club is proud to announce that Marilyn Zerull will be the speaker at our next meeting - TOMORROW!

Our meeting tomorrow evening, October 13, will begin @ 7 pm @ Shogun Sushi & feature Marilyn Zerull, who is a candidate for the Arizona House of Representatives in District 26. Our Republican candidates in District 26 are Marilyn Zerull & Vic Williams for the Arizona House of Representatives & Al Melvin for the Arizona State Senate.

Marilyn made it through the Primary Election despite having been forced to leave the State to attend to family affairs with the passing of her mother. Shortly after her victory in the Primary, Marilyn was forced to again mourn the death of a family member with the passing of her husband only days after the Election.

Marilyn needs our help in order to win in November & she is asking for any help that we can offer her. You can find out more about Marilyn & her campaign on her campaign website @

The Pima YRs will also discuss & possibly endorse the various ballot initiatives on the November ballot tomorrow. Please study up on the initiatives, so you can let us know what you think about the Ballot Propositions.

Including tomorrow's meeting, the Pima YRs will have only two more meetings before the November Election along with our last debate watching party this Wednesday. I will get the information out on our last meeting before the Election in the next couple days.

If you plan on attending tomorrow's meeting, please RSVP as soon as possible by emailing me @ Thank you so much. And we look forward to seeing you tomorrow night.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Alert: Connecticut Court forces gay marriage on people of Connecticut: WE NEED TO PASS PROP 102 TO PROTECT ARIZONA FAMILIES!

Connecticut became the 3rd anti-family & pro-homosexual marriage State in the nation today. With a 4-3 ruling the Connecticut Supreme Court invented out of thin air the right to marry for gay couples in that State.

Connecticut became the 3rd State in the nation to be forced by judicial fiat to recognize gay marriage. Connecticut joins Massachusetts & California as anti-family pro-gay marriage States.

The ruling further points to how important it is to pass Proposition 102 in Arizona this year. Prop. 102 is an Amendment to the Arizona Constitution that would make marriage between "one man and one woman."

California is also looking to overturn the liberal Justices who forced gay marriage upon Californians. Since voters across the country are appalled by gay marriage, pro-gay activists have used liberal courts to advance their twisted agenda. Passing the California Constitutional Amendment Proposition 8 to protect marriage this year will be of utmost importance.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Barack Obama's terrorist friends

Barack Obama has been friends with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers & his terrorist wife for years. Ayers has bragged about bombing the Pentagon, the US Capital & New York City Police Headquarters during the 1970s. Bill Ayers has said that the only thing he regrets is that he did not do enough & Ayers never even went to jail for these terrorist attacks.

Bill Ayers was the founder of the radical domestic terrorist & anti-American group 'Weather Underground.' Barack Obama launched his political career in this man's living room & Obama served as the Chairman of another radical group that Ayers founded as well as serving together on the boards of a number of radical groups.

John McCain is finally hitting hard on how risky it is to elect a man for President who pals around with terrorists.

Please visit this link to the new McCain ad on Obama & Bill Ayers & please pass it on to your friends & family. American voters need to know how risky it is to elect Barack Obama.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Second Presidential Debate Watching Party Tonight

Please join us tonight to watch the second debate between Senator John McCain & Barack Obama.

The two Presidential candidates will be debating in a town hall format, which is Senator McCain's favorite way to debate and to meet voters. Senator McCain has implied that tonight will be the night that the gloves will come off, so this could be a very exciting debate that may change the entire election.

Senator McCain needs our support. So, I am opening up my home again for everybody who wants to watch the debate. With the wonders of DVR, we will start @ 7 which gives everybody an extra hour after work.  Thank you.


What: Second Presidential Debate between Senators John McCain & Barack Obama

When: Please arrive between 6:30 pm & 6:45 pm on Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Where: Apartment of Tyler Mott, Chairman of the Pima County Young Republican Club
Sandstone Apts on the north side of Prince between Stone & 1st Ave
405 E Prince Rd #430
Tucson, AZ 85705

* We will be ordering pizza so please bring $5 if you want to help with costs.

*Covered parking is not reserved & is on a 1st come; first served basis.

*Seating is limited, but we will cram everybody in if you can make it.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Today's the last day to register to vote!

Do you want to make sure that Obama does not get elected President of the United States?

Do you want to make sure that Marriage in Arizona remains as between one man & one wife?

Well if you care about these & other issues and you're not registered to vote, then your opinion doesn't count.

If you want your opinion to be counted then today is the last day for Arizona voters to register to vote in the General Election!


If you are not registered to vote at your current address, it will take 5 minutes & you should do it now!

You can register to vote right now at this link:

Please pass this on to everybody you know in Arizona who also wants to vote for John McCain & the other Republicans in Novemeber too. Every State has its own election registration laws, so let family & friends out-of-State know that if they want to register to vote, they need to check their own States' deadlines for registration.

This could actually be one chain mail worth sending. Thanks.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

SNL gets it right

Saturday Night Live actually gets it right & blames the Dems for the financial crisis that we're in. By the way, their Barney Frank is hilarious! I only wish they could have have him talk a little bit more. Enjoy!

Last Reminder: Seats Still Available!

Barney Brenner Fundraiser Tonight!

You can now just show up @ the door if you want to attend. And YRs get a $50 discount on attending, plus you'll get your picture taken with Hugh Hewitt!

El Parador Restaurant 2744 E Broadway (No reservation needed)

VIP reception at 4:15 pm with professional souvenir photos, $50 donation.
5:15 pm general admission, $50 donation to Brenner for Supervisor.
(Maximum donation is $390) Appetizers and soft drinks will be served.

Barney's race in District 3 is crucial to Pima County's future.
Mr. Hewitt was kind enough to recognize that and agree to come.
Hugh is involved in many issues, even at the local level.

Please come! You can also forward this to others who'd be interested.

See you there!

Here's the flier again. See you there! (Click to expand.)

Tomorrow's the last day to register to vote in Arizona!

Tomorrow, Monday, October 6, 2008, is the last day for Arizona voters to register to vote in the General Election!

If you are not registered to vote at your current address, it will take 5 minutes & you should do it now!
You can register to vote right now at this link:

Please pass this on to everybody you know who also wants to vote for John McCain & the other Republicans in Novemeber too. Thanks.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Obama: The Savior of Mankind?

Here's two videos for you all.

This first one is just disturbing. I'd like to hear what any of you might think about it.

The Second video is also disturbing, but I must admit that it made me laugh out loud a number of times.

Maybe, for Democrats the Election means something more than what it means for Republicans. For Republicans, we are electing the next President of the United States. At least for some Democrats, it appears that they really are trying to elect their long awaited "Messiah." Good luck with that.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate tonight! Come join us at view party!

This is your final reminder about our big debate watching party tonight at my place.

405 E Prince Rd #430
Tucson, AZ 85705

We'll be starting the debate between Governor Palin and Senator Biden @ 7 pm, so try to arrive between 6:30 & 6:45 to grab your seat.

I'll see you there.