
Friday, October 31, 2008

Pima YRs Endorses Arizona Ballot Propositions

The Pima County Young Republican Club has voted to endorse a number of ballot propositions & oppose a few others.

The following will be the list of endorsements. These endorsements in no way state that members of the club must vote one way or another & there were a couple endorsement votes that were not unanimous. I will note those as well in the comments section.

Proposition 100 – Yes: Unanimously supported by members who voted.

This proposition has the purpose of prohibiting new taxes on the sale or transfer of property.

Proposition 101 – Yes: Unanimously supported by members who voted.

This proposition makes it so that Arizona residents will never be forced to join any government health care plan.

Proposition 102 – Yes: Unanimously supported by members who voted.

To place language in the Arizona Constitution making marriage between one man & one woman the only legal marriages recognized in Arizona.

Proposition 105 – No:

Would require that in order to be funded ballot propositions must receive votes from a majority of registered voters. This might cause a burden so high that no initiative could even pass with 100% of the vote if only 49.9% of the people showed up to vote.

Proposition 200 – No:

This ballot proposition related to reforming the payday loan industry & continuing the charter of payday loan businesses which will run out in 2010. Many of our members thought that an issue as complicated as this should be left for the legislature to decide.

Proposition 201 – No:

Many of our members voiced opinions that this was a terrible idea that would lead to many frivolous lawsuits & could make it harder to buy homes & less likely for builders to see a benefit in building homes.

Proposition 202 – No: Unanimously opposed by members who voted.

This is an attempt by businesses that depend on illegal labor to weaken the employer sanctions laws passed by the State Legislature relating to the hiring of illegal aliens.

Proposition 300 – Yes: Unanimously supported by members who voted.

This relates to raising salaries of State Legislators from $24,000/year to $30,000. Our legislators get paid below the poverty line.

Or shorthand:

Prop 100: YES
Prop 101: YES
Prop 102: YES
Prop 105: NO
Prop 200: NO
Prop 201: NO
Prop 202: NO
Prop 300: YES

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